Rabbit Food Cookbook 2011 ed. Publicity
Some mentions of the new 2011 Sasquatch Books of Rabbit Food Cookbook:
October 2012
Review of Rabbit Food Cookbook on Laura Gesin's Appocalyptic Diner (episode released 10/9/12 available free on iTunes)
December 2011
Rachel calls the cookbook "probably the most logical cookbook I've ever laid eyes on"! - Rachel in Vegan Land
on Daily Candy's list of books for foodies
random mention on Cranky Gerd's blog
November 2011
New Hope 360 includes Rabbit Food Cookbook in a list of 12 best healthy cookbooks of 2011
Interview feature on KLCC Eugene Food For Thought public radio program and podcast episode "Flirting with Veganism"
A pinch of RFCB book love from Mary's Whim & Whimsey blog
October 2011
Lentil Soup and review at inmyveganlife blog
Curry Tofu & Peas, and review on Andrea's cookeasyvegan blog
Wassail! and review on Manifest:Vegan blog
Chana Masala and review on Vegan Craftastic blog
Chana Masala and review on Carrie On Vegan blog
Tofu Pot Pie with Agnes, guest blogger at Bake And Destroy blog
Smoky Tempeh and Kale, book review on Cook.Vegan.Lover. blog
Falafels recipe and review on Kittee's Cake Maker to the Stars blog
Book Giveaway on Veganmofo
September 2011
on the VegNews This Just in blog!